One More Thing...
HRC Expands Commitment to the Transgender Community - Quietly.

A few weeks ago I attended the Human Rights Campaign Board of Directors meeting in Orlando.  At the time I hinted that there was some news to share specific to the transgender community.  I've been waiting patiently for HRC to do the legwork to share it with whoever they need to share it with.  Apparently, that is done, and now I can share it myself.


From: Carrie Evans
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 9:19 AM
To: Fed Allies
Subject: State Anti-Discrimination Bills

Happy New Year!

Some of you may already know about this change, so I apologize for any redundancy!

Last month, the HRC Board voted to extend our policy on only supporting federal anti-discrimination that is explicitly transgender inclusive to also apply to state and local anti-discrimination bills. The exact wording of the policy is HRC will support only those federal, state and local anti-discrimination bills that are explicitly transgender inclusive. HRC will continue to support efforts that are aimed at maintaining existing anti-discrimination protections that include sexual orientation or gender identity and expression, or both.

Many of your organizations already have this policy and we are delighted to join you!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

My best,


Carrie L. Evans
State Legislative Director
Human Rights Campaign ∙ 1640 Rhode Island Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
202.572.8953 ∙

This is huge for a number of reasons. 

There are those who will pooh-pooh this news - I know that and I accept that.  I can also be fairly sure that these will be the same people who pooh-pooh'd HRC's booklet "Transgender Americans: A Guidebook for Understanding", and the important work it has done on its website to support transgender education.  They will be the same people who somehow found something to criticize in HRC's ground-breaking educational effort on Capitol Hill.  They will be the same people who somehow find reasons to criticize HRC's Corporate Equality Index, or the Transgender Issues In The Workplace: A Tool for Managers

Do you know that, for the first time in 2006, the Corporate Equality Index will require companies to have at least one transgender health benefit in order to get a perfect score?  Do you know that the single thing that keeps most companies from getting a perfect score is the lack of explicit support for 'gender identity and expression' in their corporate EEO Policy?  Do you know how many companies are changing their policies because of these things - how important these things are in the day-to-day lives of Transgender people all across the country?  That's not to say it's perfect.  But how many of us grew up imagining a day when employers would include Sex Reassignment Surgery as part of their insurance policies?  THAT'S how huge the changes we're making are.

Each of these pieces is part of a bigger puzzle.  This is a multi-faceted issue, and will continue to evolve.  The strength of the relationship will surely be tested - and as with most relationships if it's healthy it will survive.  It can withstand the bumps in the road.  And, as it matures it becomes more of a partnership - a commitment.  That's what we're talking about here. 

As I've said in the past - the way to enact change is to become involved.  It's all about education, breaking down barriers.  It's to be part of the process, to make sure the real issues are brought to the table - even if that input simply includes sending an email.  I'm not trying to explain that the road hasn't been bumpy.  What I am saying, though, is that our participation is making a real difference in people's lives.  I was there the day we passed this.  I know how important our input was.  It should be added that this resolution passed unanimously - first through the Public Policy Committee and then through the entire Board of Directors. Why?  That's simple.  Because it's the right thing to do.

When I see something I don't like I send a letter to say so.  In that same vein, when I see good work I think that needs to be called out, as well.  I invite EVERYONE to communicate with HRC - not only on this issue but on an ongoing basis - if you like what they're doing, if you don't like what's happening, if you have concerns.  That's how things happen.  That's what positive, constructive communication is all about.  If my participation in HRC has done anything it has been to facilitate that communication.  It needs to continue.

If you do write to HRC please include on your note.  He will appreciate hearing what you have to say.  And, if you have something positive to say - tell him that you saw this here and say 'hello' from me.  He rocks!


Posted 1/6/2006