Donna's Shots....
Various Photographs I have taken


I enjoy photography very  much.  I really do.  I think if there were something I'd do if I could somehow find a way to earn a living doing it - that thing would be photography.  I don't enjoy posing people as in portraiture or traditional posing people. I enjoy nature, architecture, the human condition. 

When I was in Jr. High School I had a darkroom in our basement where I could develop and print the pictures I took on my trusty Canon fTb camera.  These days everything is digital, and I've got lots of pictures of places and things.  More than simply being a place to share transgender "stuff" my website is my opportunity to share things I enjoy.  My photos fall into that category.

I will use this page to share some of my photographs.  Whether others like them or not is actually immaterial - beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. 


Grand Canyon - February 2007

A winter trip to the Grand Canyon is a uniquely different experience than a summer one.  On this particular visit snow showers dotted the horizon, while sun beamed down through holes in the clouds to other areas of the canyon.  Clusters of snow showers rushed across the canyon.  It was truly a tapestry of nature.  Here are a handful of photos from our day at the canyon:


Arizona Skies

One of the things that initially entranced me about Arizona was the sky here.  Sometimes, it's bluer than blue.  At night, it's a carpet of stars blinking against a pitch black background.  The sunrises and sunsets never cease to amaze me with their color and brilliance.  Sometimes I carry my camera simply to get a photo of the sky.  Here are a few of the photos I've taken over the past couple of years.